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Module 0x2::borrow

A simple library that enables hot-potato-locked borrow mechanics.

With Programmable transactions, it is possible to borrow a value within a transaction, use it and put back in the end. Hot-potato Borrow makes sure the object is returned and was not swapped for another one.

use 0x1::option; use 0x2::object; use 0x2::tx_context;

Struct Referent

An object wrapping a T and providing the borrow API.

struct Referent<T: store, key> has store

id: address
value: option::Option<T>

Struct Borrow

A hot potato making sure the object is put back once borrowed.

ref: address
obj: object::ID


The Borrow does not match the Referent.

const EWrongBorrow: u64 = 0;

An attempt to swap the Referent.value with another object of the same type.

const EWrongValue: u64 = 1;

Function new

Create a new Referent struct

public fun new<T: store, key>(value: T, ctx: &mut tx_context::TxContext): borrow::Referent<T>


public fun new<T: key + store>(value: T, ctx: &mut TxContext): Referent<T> { Referent { id: tx_context::fresh_object_address(ctx), value: option::some(value) } }

Function borrow

Borrow the T from the Referent receiving the T and a Borrow hot potato.

public fun borrow<T: store, key>(self: &mut borrow::Referent<T>): (T, borrow::Borrow)


public fun borrow<T: key + store>(self: &mut Referent<T>): (T, Borrow) { let value = self.value.extract(); let id = object::id(&value);

(value, Borrow { ref:, obj: id }) }

Function put_back

Put an object and the Borrow hot potato back.

public fun put_back<T: store, key>(self: &mut borrow::Referent<T>, value: T, borrow: borrow::Borrow)


public fun put_back<T: key + store>(self: &mut Referent<T>, value: T, borrow: Borrow) { let Borrow { ref, obj } = borrow;

assert!(object::id(&value) == obj, EWrongValue); assert!( == ref, EWrongBorrow); self.value.fill(value); }

Function destroy

Unpack the Referent struct and return the value.

public fun destroy<T: store, key>(self: borrow::Referent<T>): T


public fun destroy<T: key + store>(self: Referent<T>): T { let Referent { id: _, value } = self; value.destroy_some() }