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Module 0x2::address

use 0x1::ascii; use 0x1::bcs; use 0x1::string; use 0x2::hex;


Error from from_bytes when it is supplied too many or too few bytes.

const EAddressParseError: u64 = 0;

The length of an address, in bytes

const LENGTH: u64 = 32;

const MAX: u256 = 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935;

Function to_u256

Convert a into a u256 by interpreting a as the bytes of a big-endian integer (e.g., to_u256(0x1) == 1)

public fun to_u256(a: address): u256


public native fun to_u256(a: address): u256;

Function from_u256

Convert n into an address by encoding it as a big-endian integer (e.g., from_u256(1) = @0x1) Aborts if n > MAX_ADDRESS

public fun from_u256(n: u256): address


public native fun from_u256(n: u256): address;

Function from_bytes

Convert bytes into an address. Aborts with EAddressParseError if the length of bytes is not 32

public fun from_bytes(bytes: vector<u8>): address


public native fun from_bytes(bytes: vector<u8>): address;

Function to_bytes

Convert a into BCS-encoded bytes.

public fun to_bytes(a: address): vector<u8>


public fun to_bytes(a: address): vector<u8> { bcs::to_bytes(&a) }

Function to_ascii_string

Convert a to a hex-encoded ASCII string

public fun to_ascii_string(a: address): ascii::String


Function to_string

Convert a to a hex-encoded string

public fun to_string(a: address): string::String


public fun to_string(a: address): string::String { to_ascii_string(a).to_string() }

Function from_ascii_bytes

Converts an ASCII string to an address, taking the numerical value for each character. The string must be Base16 encoded, and thus exactly 64 characters long. For example, the string "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000DEADB33F" will be converted to the address @0xDEADB33F. Aborts with EAddressParseError if the length of s is not 64, or if an invalid character is encountered.

public fun from_ascii_bytes(bytes: &vector<u8>): address


public fun from_ascii_bytes(bytes: &vector<u8>): address { assert!(bytes.length() == 64, EAddressParseError); let mut hex_bytes = vector[]; let mut i = 0; while (i < 64) { let hi = hex_char_value(bytes[i]); let lo = hex_char_value(bytes[i+1]); hex_bytes.push_back((hi << 4) | lo); i = i + 2; }; from_bytes(hex_bytes) }

Function hex_char_value

fun hex_char_value(c: u8): u8


fun hex_char_value(c: u8): u8 { if (c >= 48 && c <= 57) c - 48 // 0-9 else if (c >= 65 && c <= 70) c - 55 // A-F else if (c >= 97 && c <= 102) c - 87 // a-f else abort EAddressParseError }

Function length

Length of an IOTA address in bytes

public fun length(): u64


public fun length(): u64 { LENGTH }

Function max

Largest possible address

public fun max(): u256


public fun max(): u256 { MAX }