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Module 0x2::balance

A storable handler for Balances in general. Is used in the Coin module to allow balance operations and can be used to implement custom coins with Supply and Balances.

use 0x2::tx_context;

Struct Supply

A Supply of T. Used for minting and burning. Wrapped into a TreasuryCap in the Coin module.

struct Supply<T> has store

value: u64

Struct Balance

Storable balance - an inner struct of a Coin type. Can be used to store coins which don't need the key ability.

struct Balance<T> has store

value: u64


Sender is not @0x0 the system address.

const ENotSystemAddress: u64 = 3;

For when trying to destroy a non-zero balance.

const ENonZero: u64 = 0;

For when trying to withdraw more than there is.

const ENotEnough: u64 = 2;

Epoch is not 0 (the genesis epoch).

const ENotGenesisEpoch: u64 = 4;

For when an overflow is happening on Supply operations.

const EOverflow: u64 = 1;

Function value

Get the amount stored in a Balance.

public fun value<T>(self: &balance::Balance<T>): u64


public fun value<T>(self: &Balance<T>): u64 { self.value }

Function supply_value

Get the Supply value.

public fun supply_value<T>(supply: &balance::Supply<T>): u64


public fun supply_value<T>(supply: &Supply<T>): u64 { supply.value }

Function create_supply

Create a new supply for type T.

public fun create_supply<T: drop>(_: T): balance::Supply<T>


public fun create_supply<T: drop>(_: T): Supply<T> { Supply { value: 0 } }

Function increase_supply

Increase supply by value and create a new Balance<T> with this value.

public fun increase_supply<T>(self: &mut balance::Supply<T>, value: u64): balance::Balance<T>


public fun increase_supply<T>(self: &mut Supply<T>, value: u64): Balance<T> { assert!(value < (18446744073709551615u64 - self.value), EOverflow); self.value = self.value + value; Balance { value } }

Function decrease_supply

Burn a Balance<T> and decrease Supply<T>.

public fun decrease_supply<T>(self: &mut balance::Supply<T>, balance: balance::Balance<T>): u64


public fun decrease_supply<T>(self: &mut Supply<T>, balance: Balance<T>): u64 { let Balance { value } = balance; assert!(self.value >= value, EOverflow); self.value = self.value - value; value }

Function zero

Create a zero Balance for type T.

public fun zero<T>(): balance::Balance<T>


public fun zero<T>(): Balance<T> { Balance { value: 0 } }

Function join

Join two balances together.

public fun join<T>(self: &mut balance::Balance<T>, balance: balance::Balance<T>): u64


public fun join<T>(self: &mut Balance<T>, balance: Balance<T>): u64 { let Balance { value } = balance; self.value = self.value + value; self.value }

Function split

Split a Balance and take a sub balance from it.

public fun split<T>(self: &mut balance::Balance<T>, value: u64): balance::Balance<T>


public fun split<T>(self: &mut Balance<T>, value: u64): Balance<T> { assert!(self.value >= value, ENotEnough); self.value = self.value - value; Balance { value } }

Function withdraw_all

Withdraw all balance. After this the remaining balance must be 0.

public fun withdraw_all<T>(self: &mut balance::Balance<T>): balance::Balance<T>


public fun withdraw_all<T>(self: &mut Balance<T>): Balance<T> { let value = self.value; split(self, value) }

Function destroy_zero

Destroy a zero Balance.

public fun destroy_zero<T>(balance: balance::Balance<T>)


public fun destroy_zero<T>(balance: Balance<T>) { assert!(balance.value == 0, ENonZero); let Balance { value: _ } = balance; }

Function create_staking_rewards

CAUTION: this function creates a Balance without increasing the supply. It should only be called by the epoch change system txn to create staking rewards, and nowhere else.

fun create_staking_rewards<T>(value: u64, ctx: &tx_context::TxContext): balance::Balance<T>


fun create_staking_rewards<T>(value: u64, ctx: &TxContext): Balance<T> { assert!(ctx.sender() == @0x0, ENotSystemAddress); Balance { value } }

Function destroy_storage_rebates

CAUTION: this function destroys a Balance without decreasing the supply. It should only be called by the epoch change system txn to destroy storage rebates, and nowhere else.

fun destroy_storage_rebates<T>(self: balance::Balance<T>, ctx: &tx_context::TxContext)


fun destroy_storage_rebates<T>(self: Balance<T>, ctx: &TxContext) { assert!(ctx.sender() == @0x0, ENotSystemAddress); let Balance { value: _ } = self; }

Function destroy_genesis_supply

CAUTION: this function destroys a Balance without decreasing the supply. It should only be called by the genesis txn to destroy parts of the IOTA supply which was created during the migration and for no other reason.

fun destroy_genesis_supply<T>(self: balance::Balance<T>, ctx: &tx_context::TxContext)


fun destroy_genesis_supply<T>(self: Balance<T>, ctx: &TxContext) { assert!(ctx.sender() == @0x0, ENotSystemAddress); assert!(ctx.epoch() == 0, ENotGenesisEpoch);

let Balance { value: _ } = self; }

Function destroy_supply

Destroy a Supply preventing any further minting and burning.

public(friend) fun destroy_supply<T>(self: balance::Supply<T>): u64


public(package) fun destroy_supply<T>(self: Supply<T>): u64 { let Supply { value } = self; value }