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Simple Token Transfer Tutorial

In this tutorial, we will walk you through the process of building a simple token transfer dApp using the IOTA Move language and the IOTA dApp kit. You will learn how to create a move package that enables token transfers on the IOTA blockchain and how to integrate it with a frontend application that interacts with the package functions. The tutorial covers everything from move package creation to frontend development, giving you a hands-on understanding of how token transfers work within the IOTA ecosystem. By the end, you'll have a fully functional dApp that allows users to transfer tokens effortlessly.

Simple Token Transfer Architecture Overview


Create a Move Package

Run the following command to create a Move package

iota move new token_transfer_tutorial

This will generate a new Move package in a folder named token_transfer.

Configure the IOTA CLI

To run the mint function from the frontend app, you must be the owner of the package; otherwise, you cannot execute the function. To become the owner, you need to publish the package, and this process can only be done through the CLI. Note that the CLI and browser wallet extension use separate accounts. In the CLI, you can update the active address and private key to match the account used in the browser wallet extension. By aligning these accounts, you ensure the same account is used in both the CLI and the wallet extension, enabling seamless transactions in your frontend app.

Before publishing the package, you need to configure your IOTA CLI with your wallet details.

cd ~/.iota/iota_config/

Update the Private Key and Active Address

iota.keystore: Replace the existing private key with your IOTA wallet private key.

client.yaml: Replace the active_address field with your IOTA wallet address.

Package Overview




  • Mints the token and transfers it to the recipient address.
  • Can only be called by the owner of the contract.
  • Creates a new object of the MY_TOKEN token using the TreasuryCap.
  • The TreasuryCap address (which was generated during the contract's publication) is required to mint the tokens.
  • Transfers the minted tokens to the recipient after they are created.


  • Transfers the token from the caller address to the recipient address.
  • Requires the correct token object address that is owned by the caller.
  • The function first uses the coin::split function to split the specified amount from the token and then uses transfer::public_transfer to transfer the split tokens to the recipient.


  • Returns the balance of the token for the specified owner.
  • Requires passing the token address to retrieve the balance.
  • Uses coin::balance to query the balance and returns the value held by the coin object.

Navigate to the source/token-transfer.move file and paste the following code:


Build the Package

Once the contract is ready, build the package by running:

iota move build

Publish the Package

Publish the package to the IOTA testnet using the following command:

iota client publish

After publishing, you will receive a detailed transaction output. Here’s an example:

Transaction Output

Transaction Digest: EV17EsY3LXgzwFVSZAK6Xr3ohTnWjrYajo3G7yg88Qa4
│ Transaction Data │
│ Sender: 0xedeca9d6897cf86917e45f5c5cd596da48a5c4e3e1d9425aee42bed37c9ee44d │
│ Gas Owner: 0xedeca9d6897cf86917e45f5c5cd596da48a5c4e3e1d9425aee42bed37c9ee44d │
│ Gas Budget: 16424800 NANOS │
│ Gas Price: 1000 NANOS │
│ Gas Payment: │
│ ┌── │
│ │ ID: 0x410eb60409b8e7ff4b0db6c0ec0e2ba4869359352e8cbb6e6298f38b4f9e8cb6 │
│ │ Version: 470532 │
│ │ Digest: HEgegyRiXyWZotuRK46uaQJgrVketTtWVX8kfBCPXFAs │
│ └── │
│ │
│ Transaction Kind: Programmable │
│ ╭──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ │
│ │ Input Objects │ │
│ ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │
│ │ 0 Pure Arg: Type: address, Value: "0xedeca9d6897cf86917e45f5c5cd596da48a5c4e3e1d9425aee42bed37c9ee44d" │ │
│ ╰──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ │
│ ╭─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ │
│ │ Commands │ │
│ ├─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │
│ │ 0 Publish: │ │
│ │ ┌ │ │
│ │ │ Dependencies: │ │
│ │ │ 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002 │ │
│ │ │ 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 │ │
│ │ └ │ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ 1 TransferObjects: │ │
│ │ ┌ │ │
│ │ │ Arguments: │ │
│ │ │ Result 0 │ │
│ │ │ Address: Input 0 │ │
│ │ └ │ │
│ ╰─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ │
│ │
│ Signatures: │
│ GGL+ZaqdoxGOmpySTP/GFnVrK50VwuhKptc/5K2aOCcaTAIUKhknn2L9cCN2gG8p9mEVpUDDeb/bt7nzXl4yBw== │
│ │
│ Transaction Effects │
│ Digest: EV17EsY3LXgzwFVSZAK6Xr3ohTnWjrYajo3G7yg88Qa4 │
│ Status: Success │
│ Executed Epoch: 18 │
│ │
│ Created Objects: │
│ ┌── │
│ │ ID: 0x425d4962e3e0dc0c08f87900a7577b240c3778adf54183e10b9832b7e9a51278 │
│ │ Owner: Immutable │
│ │ Version: 470533 │
│ │ Digest: GYr4WDEwJq95S9NYcVu5koKEH85uc9HUiq3vFkjvaJ7Y │
│ └── │
│ ┌── │
│ │ ID: 0x537d7c04ddd8f7611de17910909c99c610227f9949126e684ba4a7b6eb55e3e1 │
│ │ Owner: Immutable │
│ │ Version: 1 │
│ │ Digest: AqFmepZJmqEMi2qPYscZf1X4vZtXs3oUgSg2vn2X7CDz │
│ └── │
│ ┌── │
│ │ ID: 0x9e54291864e24091153c6f6250cb2788d2e928c438ee15c2be4db7614f85ae3e │
│ │ Owner: Account Address ( 0xedeca9d6897cf86917e45f5c5cd596da48a5c4e3e1d9425aee42bed37c9ee44d ) │
│ │ Version: 470533 │
│ │ Digest: EVNTfuzZhBVCageRiKraDHf9vb8uDLxw8yYwEY8zVmqY │
│ └── │
│ ┌── │
│ │ ID: 0xf64b55e996f1ba79ba6517c4d98c604bbf21876841af6088a72150bee8908f09 │
│ │ Owner: Account Address ( 0xedeca9d6897cf86917e45f5c5cd596da48a5c4e3e1d9425aee42bed37c9ee44d ) │
│ │ Version: 470533 │
│ │ Digest: 4gYHJNnTERVcFYrpqLBpr3YoYZhaVPV2L73YwmZYbyJ3 │
│ └── │
│ Mutated Objects: │
│ ┌── │
│ │ ID: 0x410eb60409b8e7ff4b0db6c0ec0e2ba4869359352e8cbb6e6298f38b4f9e8cb6 │
│ │ Owner: Account Address ( 0xedeca9d6897cf86917e45f5c5cd596da48a5c4e3e1d9425aee42bed37c9ee44d ) │
│ │ Version: 470533 │
│ │ Digest: 3KUZySKTbg5SV41WCCi2bFodjQVp9CTWBQCsSiYX7GMf │
│ └── │
│ Gas Object: │
│ ┌── │
│ │ ID: 0x410eb60409b8e7ff4b0db6c0ec0e2ba4869359352e8cbb6e6298f38b4f9e8cb6 │
│ │ Owner: Account Address ( 0xedeca9d6897cf86917e45f5c5cd596da48a5c4e3e1d9425aee42bed37c9ee44d ) │
│ │ Version: 470533 │
│ │ Digest: 3KUZySKTbg5SV41WCCi2bFodjQVp9CTWBQCsSiYX7GMf │
│ └── │
│ Gas Cost Summary: │
│ Storage Cost: 14424800 NANOS │
│ Computation Cost: 1000000 NANOS │
│ Storage Rebate: 980400 NANOS │
│ Non-refundable Storage Fee: 0 NANOS │
│ │
│ Transaction Dependencies: │
│ 63X49x2QuuYNduExZWoJjfXut3s3WDWZ7Tr7nXJu32ZT │
│ 6EUKtb4nRKGwzLBBQ8zY38rHsEU6aZJJSYDuGrDDKaht │
│ No transaction block events │

│ Object Changes │
│ Created Objects: │
│ ┌── │
│ │ ObjectID: 0x425d4962e3e0dc0c08f87900a7577b240c3778adf54183e10b9832b7e9a51278 │
│ │ Sender: 0xedeca9d6897cf86917e45f5c5cd596da48a5c4e3e1d9425aee42bed37c9ee44d │
│ │ Owner: Immutable │
│ │ ObjectType: 0x2::coin::CoinMetadata<0x537d7c04ddd8f7611de17910909c99c610227f9949126e684ba4a7b6eb55e3e1::my_token::MY_TOKEN> │
│ │ Version: 470533 │
│ │ Digest: GYr4WDEwJq95S9NYcVu5koKEH85uc9HUiq3vFkjvaJ7Y │
│ └── │
│ ┌── │
│ │ ObjectID: 0x9e54291864e24091153c6f6250cb2788d2e928c438ee15c2be4db7614f85ae3e │
│ │ Sender: 0xedeca9d6897cf86917e45f5c5cd596da48a5c4e3e1d9425aee42bed37c9ee44d │
│ │ Owner: Account Address ( 0xedeca9d6897cf86917e45f5c5cd596da48a5c4e3e1d9425aee42bed37c9ee44d ) │
│ │ ObjectType: 0x2::coin::TreasuryCap<0x537d7c04ddd8f7611de17910909c99c610227f9949126e684ba4a7b6eb55e3e1::my_token::MY_TOKEN> │
│ │ Version: 470533 │
│ │ Digest: EVNTfuzZhBVCageRiKraDHf9vb8uDLxw8yYwEY8zVmqY │
│ └── │
│ ┌── │
│ │ ObjectID: 0xf64b55e996f1ba79ba6517c4d98c604bbf21876841af6088a72150bee8908f09 │
│ │ Sender: 0xedeca9d6897cf86917e45f5c5cd596da48a5c4e3e1d9425aee42bed37c9ee44d │
│ │ Owner: Account Address ( 0xedeca9d6897cf86917e45f5c5cd596da48a5c4e3e1d9425aee42bed37c9ee44d ) │
│ │ ObjectType: 0x2::package::UpgradeCap │
│ │ Version: 470533 │
│ │ Digest: 4gYHJNnTERVcFYrpqLBpr3YoYZhaVPV2L73YwmZYbyJ3 │
│ └── │
│ Mutated Objects: │
│ ┌── │
│ │ ObjectID: 0x410eb60409b8e7ff4b0db6c0ec0e2ba4869359352e8cbb6e6298f38b4f9e8cb6 │
│ │ Sender: 0xedeca9d6897cf86917e45f5c5cd596da48a5c4e3e1d9425aee42bed37c9ee44d │
│ │ Owner: Account Address ( 0xedeca9d6897cf86917e45f5c5cd596da48a5c4e3e1d9425aee42bed37c9ee44d ) │
│ │ ObjectType: 0x2::coin::Coin<0x2::iota::IOTA> │
│ │ Version: 470533 │
│ │ Digest: 3KUZySKTbg5SV41WCCi2bFodjQVp9CTWBQCsSiYX7GMf │
│ └── │
│ Published Objects: │
│ ┌── │
│ │ PackageID: 0x537d7c04ddd8f7611de17910909c99c610227f9949126e684ba4a7b6eb55e3e1 │
│ │ Version: 1 │
│ │ Digest: AqFmepZJmqEMi2qPYscZf1X4vZtXs3oUgSg2vn2X7CDz │
│ │ Modules: my_token │
│ └── │
│ Balance Changes │
│ ┌── │
│ │ Owner: Account Address ( 0xedeca9d6897cf86917e45f5c5cd596da48a5c4e3e1d9425aee42bed37c9ee44d ) │
│ │ CoinType: 0x2::iota::IOTA │
│ │ Amount: -14444400 │
│ └── │

Simple Token Transfer UI

Let’s now set up the frontend application using the IOTA dApp kit. This kit provides a collection of tools and components that simplify integrating IOTA-based smart contracts into your web applications. By leveraging the dApp kit, you can efficiently build user interfaces that enable users to interact with the blockchain, such as sending transactions, querying contracts, and displaying data.

The dApp kit is designed to streamline the connection between your frontend and the IOTA blockchain, handling important tasks like wallet integration, transaction signing, and communication with your deployed contract. If you’re new to the dApp kit, you can consult its documentation for comprehensive instructions on how to set it up and use its features to create a smooth frontend experience.

In this section, we’ll walk you through the process of configuring the frontend and linking it to the smart contract we created earlier. By the end, you’ll have a fully functional dApp that enables users to interact with your IOTA-based token transfer contract directly from the frontend.


Run the following the command to setup the initial IOTA dApp.

pnpm create @iota/create-dapp

This will set up an initial IOTA dApp, including all the necessary dependencies. However, keep in mind that you will still need to install the dependencies by running the following command:

pnpm i

Code Structure

Setting Up Network Configuration

Add the following variables in the networkConfig.ts file:

  • packageId: The package ID for the smart contract.
  • coinAddress: The address of the token contract.
  • treasuryCap: The treasury cap address used for minting tokens.

To retrieve this information, visit the testnet explorer, search for your IOTA wallet address, and review the recent transactions.



The components folder contains four primary components, each handling a specific functionality. Here's a detailed description of each component:


The Buttons.tsx file renders a vertical layout of three customizable buttons ("Transfer," "Mint," and "Check Balance") using Radix UI's Button, Container, and Flex components. Each button toggles a specific state (transferField, mintField, or showBalance) while resetting the others, enabling functionality for switching between actions in the app.



This component is designed to fetch and display the balance of the connected wallet for the specified token. It utilizes the blockchain's API to retrieve the token's balance and type, presenting this information to the user in a simple and visually appealing manner. This feature helps users monitor their token holdings without navigating away from the app. It also ensures that data is updated in real time, enhancing the user experience.



The Transfer.tsx component handles the process of transferring tokens from the connected wallet to a recipient address. Users can input the recipient's address and the number of tokens they wish to transfer. This component also manages transaction signing and execution using the dApp kit, ensuring that the transfer operation is seamless and secure. Error handling is built in to notify users of any issues during the transaction process.



This component allows users to mint new tokens to a specified address. Users can provide the recipient's address and the amount of tokens to mint. The Mint.tsx component interacts with the blockchain's treasury cap and package ID to execute the minting operation. This functionality is critical for applications that require dynamic token issuance, such as token reward systems or initial token distribution.



The App.tsx file integrates the components and provides the main structure of the frontend application.


Putting it all together

The frontend app for the token transfer tutorial is designed with several components:

  • Balance.tsx displays the token balance of the connected wallet by calling the balance function in balance.ts.

  • Button.tsx renders a grid of buttons for mint, transfer, and balance operations.

  • Mint.tsx provides a form to input data for minting tokens, sending the request to the mint function in mint.ts on submission.

  • Transfer.tsx includes a form for transferring tokens, which interacts with the transfer function in transfer.ts on submission.

  • The utils folder handles contract function calls using the IOTA dApp kit.

  • Finally, App.tsx ties everything together by rendering the Buttons.tsx component for the operation buttons and displaying the forms from Balance.tsx, Mint.tsx, and Transfer.tsx for their respective functionalities.

  • For more details you can refer the Frontend repository.

Start Frontend Server

To run the frontend project run the following command from the root directory of the project.

pnpm run dev

Usage Example


The dashboard of the token transfer app, displaying different operations like Transfer and Mint.


Connect IOTA Wallet

Click on the Connect wallet button at the top right corner to connect your IOTA wallet.

Connect IOTA wallet

Wallet Connected

When the wallet is connected to the app, the address of the selected account will be displayed at the top right corner.

Wallet connected

Minting Tokens

Click the Mint button to mint the token. The account used for minting must be the same as the one used during the publication.

Minting token

Wallet Transaction

The minted amount will be displayed in the balance changes section of the wallet popup, so you can approve the transaction.

Wallet transaction

Transaction Successful

Once you approve the mint transaction, an alert will appear indicating 'Transaction Successful'.

Transaction successful

Wallet Check

After a successful mint transaction, you can check if the balance has increased in the wallet.

Wallet check

Check Balance

Click on the Check balance button to check the token balance.

Check balance


With this setup, you’ve created a straightforward yet robust frontend application using the IOTA dApp kit. The components provided by the dApp kit enable you to effortlessly perform token-related tasks, such as transferring tokens and querying contract data, with smooth integration to the IOTA blockchain. This setup lays a strong foundation for expanding and customizing your dApp to meet your specific requirements. By completing these steps, you’ve successfully linked your frontend to the smart contract, resulting in a fully functional dApp that interacts seamlessly with the blockchain.