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Cryptographic agility is core to IOTA. The system supports multiple cryptography algorithms and primitives and can switch between them rapidly. With IOTA, you can choose the right cryptography solution for your system and implement the latest algorithms as they become available.

IOTA defines its cryptography primitives, such as public key, signature, aggregated signature, and hash functions, under one unified type alias or enum wrapper that is shared across the entire repository. Making changes to these primitives affects all of an application's components. You can quickly update application cryptography and be assured of uniform security.

Transaction Authentication

Transaction authentication features on IOTA provide security against unauthorized access to on-chain data. Transaction Authentication provides an overview of related topics.

Go to Transaction Authentication.

Checkpoint Verification

Checkpoints define the history of the IOTA blockchain, similarly to how blocks define the history of traditional blockchains like Bitcoin or Ethereum. For full nodes and validators to trust a checkpoint, they must first verify it. Verification ensures that the checkpoint is a true checkpoint that the IOTA validator committee created.

Go to Checkpoint Verification.

Smart Contract Cryptography

Effective use of cryptography keeps your smart contract transactions secure on the IOTA blockchain.

Go to Cryptography in Smart Contracts.