The enabled features and service limits configured by the server.
type ServiceConfig {
feature: Feature!
): Boolean!
availableVersions: [String!]!
enabledFeatures: [Feature!]!
maxQueryDepth: Int!
maxQueryNodes: Int!
maxOutputNodes: Int!
maxDbQueryCost: Int!
defaultPageSize: Int!
maxPageSize: Int!
mutationTimeoutMs: Int!
requestTimeoutMs: Int!
maxQueryPayloadSize: Int!
maxTypeArgumentDepth: Int!
maxTypeArgumentWidth: Int!
maxTypeNodes: Int!
maxMoveValueDepth: Int!
maxTransactionIds: Int!
maxScanLimit: Int!
● Boolean!
non-null scalar
Check whether feature
is enabled on this GraphQL service.
● Feature!
non-null enum
● [String!]!
non-null scalar
List the available versions for this GraphQL service.
● [Feature!]!
non-null enum
List of all features that are enabled on this GraphQL service.
● Int!
non-null scalar
The maximum depth a GraphQL query can be to be accepted by this service.
● Int!
non-null scalar
The maximum number of nodes (field names) the service will accept in a single query.
● Int!
non-null scalar
The maximum number of output nodes in a GraphQL response.
Non-connection nodes have a count of 1, while connection nodes are counted as the specified 'first' or 'last' number of items, or the default_page_size as set by the server if those arguments are not set.
Counts accumulate multiplicatively down the query tree. For example, if a query starts with a connection of first: 10 and has a field to a connection with last: 20, the count at the second level would be 200 nodes. This is then summed to the count of 10 nodes at the first level, for a total of 210 nodes.
● Int!
non-null scalar
Maximum estimated cost of a database query used to serve a GraphQL request. This is measured in the same units that the database uses in EXPLAIN queries.
● Int!
non-null scalar
Default number of elements allowed on a single page of a connection.
● Int!
non-null scalar
Maximum number of elements allowed on a single page of a connection.
● Int!
non-null scalar
Maximum time in milliseconds spent waiting for a response from fullnode after issuing a a transaction to execute. Note that the transaction may still succeed even in the case of a timeout. Transactions are idempotent, so a transaction that times out should be resubmitted until the network returns a definite response (success or failure, not timeout).
● Int!
non-null scalar
Maximum time in milliseconds that will be spent to serve one query request.
● Int!
non-null scalar
Maximum length of a query payload string.
● Int!
non-null scalar
Maximum nesting allowed in type arguments in Move Types resolved by this service.
● Int!
non-null scalar
Maximum number of type arguments passed into a generic instantiation of a Move Type resolved by this service.
● Int!
non-null scalar
Maximum number of structs that need to be processed when calculating the layout of a single Move Type.
● Int!
non-null scalar
Maximum nesting allowed in struct fields when calculating the layout of a single Move Type.
● Int!
non-null scalar
Maximum number of transaction ids that can be passed to a
● Int!
non-null scalar
Maximum number of candidates to scan when gathering a page of results.
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