18 docs tagged with "Node Operation"
Node Operation
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Learn how to set up an IOTA full node from source.
Data Management
A high-level description of data management on the IOTA network that you can use to optimize your IOTA full node configuration.
Database Snapshots
Database snapshots of the IOTA network enable full node operators a way to bootstrap a full node without having to execute all the transactions that occurred after genesis.
Genesis is the initial state of the IOTA blockchain. To launch a network, the initial committee of validators collaborate by providing their validator information (public keys, network addresses, and so on) to a shared workspace. After all of the initial validators have contributed their information, IOTA generates the initial, unsigned genesis checkpoint (checkpoint with sequence number 0) and each validator provides their signature. IOTA aggregates these signatures to form a certificate on the genesis checkpoint. IOTA bundles this checkpoint, as well as the initial objects, together into a single genesis.blob file that is used to initialize the state when running the iota-node binary for both validators and full nodes.
IOTA Archives
The archive is a historical record of all transactions on IOTA. Enable archiving on your full nodes as a best practice.
IOTA Validator Node Configuration
Learn how to set up, configure, and manage an IOTA Validator node, including staking, reference gas price, and tallying rules.
Local Development
Guide to setting up and using a local IOTA network for development and testing.
Prometheus-based metrics for the node.
Monitoring and Pruning
How to monitor and Prune your IOTA Full Node.
Operator Guides
Guides for operators on the IOTA network. Whether you are running a full node for your dApp or operating as a validator on the IOTA network, these guides help you set up your environment and operate your network.
Operate an IOTA Full Node to validate blockchain activities, like transactions, checkpoints, and epoch changes.
Set Up a Full Node With Docker
Learn how to set up an IOTA Full Node using docker.
System Configuration
System Configuration
Telemetry Subscribers
Allows for flexible logging and tracing of the node.