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Claiming an Output Unlockable by an Alias/NFT Address

Exchanges and dApp Devs Only

The migration documentation describes the processes needed to claim and migrate output types manually; However, for the average user, this knowledge is not needed and is abstracted in the wallet web application (dashboard). The specific migration knowledge described here is unnecessary for people using a regular wallet.

In Stardust, outputs had an Address Unlock Condition or, in the case of Alias Outputs, a Governor Address Unlock Condition. In the new ledger, this mechanism is represented by an address owning the associated Output object. Most of the time, the address is directly managed by a user through a keypair. However, sometimes the address could represent another object. In this case, that object owns the associated Output object. After the Stardust migration, only Alias and Nft objects can own other Output objects.

Claiming an Output Owned by Another Alias/NFT Object

For this example, we use an AliasOutput to extract an Alias object that owns an NftOutput.

  1. The first step is to fetch the AliasOutput object that is needed to claim the NftOutput.
    // This object id was fetched manually. It refers to an Alias Output object that
// owns a NftOutput.
const aliasOutputObjectId = "0x3b35e67750b8e4ccb45b2fc4a6a26a6d97e74c37a532f17177e6324ab93eaca6";
const aliasOutputObject = await iotaClient.getObject({id: aliasOutputObjectId});
if (!aliasOutputObject) {
throw new Error("Alias output object not found");
  1. Use the dynamic field function with the "alias" dynamic field key filter to gather the Alias object itself.
    // Get the dynamic field owned by the Alias Output, i.e., only the Alias
// object.
// The dynamic field name for the Alias object is "alias", of type vector<u8>.
const dfName = {
type: bcs.TypeTag.serialize({
vector: {
u8: true,
value: "alias"

const aliasObject = await iotaClient.getDynamicFieldObject({ parentId: aliasOutputObjectId, name: dfName});
if (!aliasObject) {
throw new Error("Alias object not found");

// Get the object id of the Alias object.
const aliasObjectId =;
  1. Some objects are owned by the Alias object. In this case, filter them by type using the NftOutput type tag. Apply the filter to get NftOutputs owned by the Alias.
    // Some objects are owned by the Alias object. In this case we filter them by
// type using the NftOutput type.
const gasTypeTag = "0x2::iota::IOTA";
const nftOutputStructTag = `${STARDUST_PACKAGE_ID}::${NFT_OUTPUT_MODULE_NAME}::${NFT_OUTPUT_STRUCT_NAME}<${gasTypeTag}>`;

const ownedObjects = await iotaClient.getOwnedObjects({
owner: aliasObjectId ? aliasObjectId.toString() : "",
filter: {
StructType: nftOutputStructTag,

// Get the first NftOutput found
const nftOutputObjectOwnedByAlias =[0]?.data;
if (!nftOutputObjectOwnedByAlias) {
throw new Error("Owned NftOutput not found");

const nftOutputObjectId = nftOutputObjectOwnedByAlias.objectId;
  1. Create a PTB that first extracts the assets from the AliasOutput, and then uses the extracted Alias to "address unlock" the NftOutput using the function unlock_alias_address_owned_nft.
    // Create the ptb.
const tx = new Transaction();

// Extract alias output assets.
const typeArgs = [gasTypeTag];
const args = [tx.object(aliasOutputObjectId)]
const extractedAliasOutputAssets = tx.moveCall({
target: `${STARDUST_PACKAGE_ID}::alias_output::extract_assets`,
typeArguments: typeArgs,
arguments: args,

// Extract assets.
const extractedBaseToken = extractedAliasOutputAssets[0];
const extractedNativeTokensBag = extractedAliasOutputAssets[1];
const alias = extractedAliasOutputAssets[2];

// Extract the IOTA balance.
const iotaCoin = tx.moveCall({
target: '0x2::coin::from_balance',
typeArguments: typeArgs,
arguments: [extractedBaseToken],

// Transfer the IOTA balance to the sender.
tx.transferObjects([iotaCoin], tx.pure.address(sender));

// Cleanup the bag by destroying it.
target: '0x2::bag::destroy_empty',
typeArguments: [],
arguments: [extractedNativeTokensBag],

// Unlock the nft output.
const aliasArg = alias;
const nftOutputArg = tx.object(nftOutputObjectId);

const nftOutput = tx.moveCall({
target: `${STARDUST_PACKAGE_ID}::address_unlock_condition::unlock_alias_address_owned_nft`,
typeArguments: typeArgs,
arguments: [aliasArg, nftOutputArg],

// Transferring alias asset.
tx.transferObjects([alias], tx.pure.address(sender));

// Extract the assets from the NftOutput (base token, native tokens bag, nft asset itself).
const extractedAssets = tx.moveCall({
target: `${STARDUST_PACKAGE_ID}::nft_output::extract_assets`,
typeArguments: typeArgs,
arguments: [nftOutput],

// If the nft output can be unlocked, the command will be successful and will
// return a `base_token` (i.e., IOTA) balance and a `Bag` of native tokens and
// related nft object.

const extractedBaseToken2 = extractedAssets[0];
const extractedNativeTokensBag2 = extractedAssets[1];
const nftAsset = extractedAssets[2];

// Extract the IOTA balance.
const iotaCoin2 = tx.moveCall({
target: '0x2::coin::from_balance',
typeArguments: typeArgs,
arguments: [extractedBaseToken2],

// Transfer the IOTA balance to the sender.
tx.transferObjects([iotaCoin2], tx.pure.address(sender));

// Cleanup the bag because it is empty.
target: '0x2::bag::destroy_empty',
typeArguments: [],
arguments: [extractedNativeTokensBag2],

// Transferring nft asset.
tx.transferObjects([nftAsset], tx.pure.address(sender));