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Challenge 0: Mint Leap Frog NFT

In this challenge, your task is to mint the Leap Frog NFT. The package has already been deployed on the testnet, and the address of the deployed package is provided below.

The module includes a function to mint a new NFT and transfer it to your account. To complete the challenge, simply click the "Mint" button below to mint the NFT.

Alternatively, you can use the testnet explorer to call the module's function directly and mint the NFT.

Deployed Package Address:

Package Address: 0x649884331fa662235b2c06c6eb488e5327105dded1331f6b7541ef4fdbd9eeca

Leap Frog NFT Module:

module leapFrog::leap_frog_nft {
use iota::url::{Self, Url};
use std::string;
use iota::event;

public struct LeapFrogNFT has key, store {
id: UID,
name: string::String,
description: string::String,
url: Url,

public struct NFTMinted has copy, drop {
object_id: ID,
creator: address,
name: string::String,

public fun name(nft: &LeapFrogNFT): &string::String {

public fun description(nft: &LeapFrogNFT): &string::String {

public fun url(nft: &LeapFrogNFT): &Url {

public fun mint_to_sender(
name: vector<u8>,
description: vector<u8>,
url: vector<u8>,
recipient: address,
ctx: &mut TxContext
) {
let sender = tx_context::sender(ctx);
let nft = LeapFrogNFT {
id: object::new(ctx),
name: string::utf8(name),
description: string::utf8(description),
url: url::new_unsafe_from_bytes(url)

event::emit(NFTMinted {
object_id: object::id(&nft),
creator: sender,

transfer::public_transfer(nft, recipient);

public fun transfer(
nft: LeapFrogNFT, recipient: address, _: &mut TxContext
) {
transfer::public_transfer(nft, recipient)

public fun update_description(
nft: &mut LeapFrogNFT,
new_description: vector<u8>,
_: &mut TxContext
) {
nft.description = string::utf8(new_description)

public fun burn(nft: LeapFrogNFT, _: &mut TxContext) {
let LeapFrogNFT { id, name: _, description: _, url: _ } = nft;

Good luck in capturing your first flag!