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8 docs tagged with "Infrastructure"


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Custom Indexer

You can build custom indexers using the IOTA micro-data ingestion framework. To create an indexer, you subscribe to a checkpoint stream with full checkpoint content. Establishing a custom indexer helps improve latency, allows pruning the data of your IOTA full node, and provides efficient assemblage of checkpoint data.

Event Query and Subscription

IOTA full nodes support publish/subscribe using JSON-RPC notifications via the WebSocket API. You can use this service with IOTA client to filter and subscribe to a real-time event stream generated from Move or from the IOTA network.

GraphQL for IOTA RPC

GraphQL is a public service for the IOTA RPC that enables you to efficiently interact with the IOTA network.

GraphQL for the IOTA RPC

This section explains some of the common concepts when working with GraphQL, such as altering behavior using HTTP headers, re-using query snippets with variables and fragments, consuming paginated queries, and understanding and working within the limits enforced by the service.

IOTA Indexer

IOTA Indexer is a node data service that serves data from the IOTA protocol, including both data directly generated from chain and derivative data.


IOTAJSON is a JSON-based format with restrictions that allow IOTA to align JSON inputs more closely with Move call arguments.

Migrating to GraphQL

For a comprehensive list of all available GraphQL features, consult the reference.