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Devnet, Testnet, and local networks include faucets that mint IOTA. You can use the IOTA TypeScript SDK to call a network's faucet and provide IOTA to the address you provide.

To request IOTA from a faucet, import the requestIotaFromFaucetV0 function from the @iota/iota-sdk/faucet package to your project.

import { getFaucetHost, requestIotaFromFaucetV0 } from '@iota/iota-sdk/faucet';

Use requestIotaFromFaucetV0 in your TypeScript code to request IOTA from the network's faucet.

await requestIotaFromFaucetV0({
host: getFaucetHost('testnet'),

Faucets on Devnet and Testnet are rate limited. If you run the script too many times, you surpass the limit and must wait to successfully run it again.

Rate Limit

Faucets on Devnet and Testnet are rate limited. If you run the script too many times, you surpass the limit and must wait to successfully run it again.