Module 0x107a::utilities
use 0x1::ascii;
use 0x1::type_name;
use 0x2::bag;
use 0x2::balance;
use 0x2::coin;
use 0x2::transfer;
use 0x2::tx_context;
Returned when trying to extract a Balance<T>
from a Bag
and the balance is zero.
const EZeroNativeTokenBalance: u64 = 0;
Function extract_and_send_to
Extract a Balance<T>
from a Bag
, create a Coin
out of it and send it to the address.
NOTE: We return the Bag
by value so the function can be called repeatedly in a PTB.
public fun extract_and_send_to<T>(bag: bag::Bag, to: address, ctx: &mut tx_context::TxContext): bag::Bag
public fun extract_and_send_to<T>(mut bag: Bag, to: address, ctx: &mut TxContext): Bag {
let coin = coin::from_balance(extract_<T>(&mut bag), ctx);
transfer::public_transfer(coin, to);
Function extract
Extract a Balance<T>
from a Bag
and return it. Caller can decide what to do with it.
NOTE: We return the Bag
by value so the function can be called repeatedly in a PTB.
public fun extract<T>(bag: bag::Bag): (bag::Bag, balance::Balance<T>)
Function extract_
Get a Balance<T>
from a Bag
Aborts if the balance is zero or if there is no balance for the type T
fun extract_<T>(bag: &mut bag::Bag): balance::Balance<T>
fun extract_<T>(bag: &mut Bag): Balance<T> {
let key = type_name::get<T>().into_string();
// This call aborts if the key doesn't exist.
let balance : Balance<T> = bag.remove(key);
assert!(balance.value() != 0, EZeroNativeTokenBalance);